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FAQs - Upload images

How do I post or upload my images to the ad?

You are allowed to upload up to 7 pictures per ad. The pictures can be JPG, GIF or TIFF format. We suggest that you keep the picture size to less than 1 MB, however larger pictures will be auto re-sized when you upload. If the image upload is taking long then it could be due to the size of the pictures and we recommend uploading pictures one by one in such situations.

Please follow the steps below to upload the pictures for your ad.

a) Once you have submitted your ad you will be presented with an option to upload your images. Please click on the 'Add Pictures' button


b) On the next screen, you will have the option of uploading up to 8 pictures at once. The first option will be to upload the main image and below that will be any additional images. To upload an image please click on the 'Browse' or 'Choose File' button. Different browsers will show these buttons differently as shown below:

As seen on Firefox or Internet Explorer Browsers

As seen on a Chrome Browser

When you click this button a Window will open where you can browse for your files. Your images that you wish to upload will need to be residing in your computer. Please browse to the folder where the pictures are and select the picture that you wish to upload.


d) Once you have selected on the file, press the 'Open' button on the window (as shown above)

e) If you have more pictures to upload, repeat this step for the other pictures as well. Once completed press the 'Upload' button at the bottom of the page and all your pictures will get uploaded.


f) Once the upload has been completed you will see a confirmation message.


How do I edit my pictures or add pictures later?

You will need to edit your ad and once you have pressed Submit on the edit page you will see a similar option to (a) .

You will then have the option to add/edit pictures as the main image or alternative images. Click Add Picture if you need to add a new picture or Edit Picture to replace your picture.

The rest of the process will be similar to what's shown above from step (b) onwards. You will also have the option to delete any pictures as well.


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